Logged on to the Vodafone web site a few days ago and met the redesign. At first I was amused with the cleaner more accessible interface but then into the “Web Texts” section which I mostly use, I was purely disappointed.
The old version Vodafone web site you could click an alphabetical letter A-B-C-D and so on… and the contact list would jump to that section of names, also your contact’s number was displayed to the right… well to me it was like a personal phone book.
Now its just your contacts nickname displayed, no number at all, so to retrieve a contacts number you have to open up Vodafone Mail (I cant stand using that) and browse through your contacts clicking here – there and everywhere … just for the sake of a number!
Ok then thumbs up for the new de-cluttered web site and the more accessible approach, but the “Web Text” function for me is a step back and looks like “work in progress”
Anyone else?