Live Webcast – A Big Success

I am really pleased with the result of the second Live Gig Broadcast which was streamed using on Thursday 29th January 2009. The band “Little Big Man” performed a live set at Claycastle Recording Studio, Youghal and also an interview with front man Brian O Glanby.

1,570 viewers accessed the webcast over the hour with traffic coming mainly from Ireland, UK, USA, Netherlands, & Australia. We had a chat box enabled on the site and at one stage there was 144 active users chatting . Below is a screen shot of the Ustream Metrics for the broadcast.

Ustream Metrics Little Big Man Webcast

Getting the Traffic

Part of the success of this webcast lay in pre-planning. A  group of the people involved in this project posted the gig details on social networks such as Facebook, MySpace & Bebo also SMS Text, Forums, Email and traditional word of mouth. I also created a Facebook group and also a Facebook App for people to install so they could watch the webcast from within Facebook.

Why not check out these links: Facebook Group – Live Web Cast – Facebook App

The Facebook traffic was very good with a lot of app installs and a good community to inform of the upcoming broadcast. It’s become a lot clearer  that you have got to use the social networks  in order to reach wider audience.

Watch The Playback

Un-edited playback as it was broadcast on the night. Time 57 min 32 secs watch it all or scrub through.

Pre-recorded playback of “Little Big Man” webcast

Originally recorded 29th January 2009


*Note to self: Aim for better results next time, always try harder and always learn from the past 🙂